Do you think that your child needs more than he/she is getting in class? Maybe you need the child to pursue a talent for which he/she has shown interest in developing? Your child would find enrichment classes helpful in situations like these.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assessed 15-year-olds from 70 countries. Singaporeans emerged top in math, reading, and science, and also came out top in world rankings for education, because most of the parents enrolled their child to Science Tuition for Secondary.
The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assessed 15-year-olds from 70 countries. Singaporeans emerged top in math, reading, and science, and also came out top in world rankings for education, because most of the parents enrolled their child to Science Tuition for Secondary.

While classroom performance is important, your child may want to pursue other talents and skills not developed in class. This is where enrichment classes become useful.
10 Things To Know About Enrichment Classes In Singapore
Here is what you need to know about enrichment classes.#1 What are the Enrichment Classes?
Just as the word says, enrichment classes go beyond what is offered in the classroom. Important information on enrichment classes in Singapore shows that these classes are designed to;- Supplement what is taught in class by introducing new concepts to the student.
- Develop critical thinking skills that can be applied in classwork, and also outside the classroom
- Cultivate a student’s personality and interest to help steer the student to an area where he/she is a natural fit
- Liven up the learning experience with real-world applications, hands-on activities, debates and discussions, and individualized projects
#2 What is the Difference Between Enrichment Classes and Aftercare Programs?
In the past, parents had their children go to aftercare programs to interact with other children in a secure environment. Most aftercare programs had lots of play activities but no special learning activities.Enrichment classes Singapore programs are structured to offer tangible learning benefits to students. If a child shows interest in computers, for example, a coding enrichment class would be suitable.
Enrichment classes are also different from remedial classes. Remedial classes are done to help a child struggling in some areas to catch up. Enrichment classes are suitable for students who show they can handle beyond what is offered in the classroom.
#3 When do Enrichment Classes Start?
Enrichment classes are offered at any stage starting from kindergarten upwards. The ideal starting point is the kindergarten level. This is because the child is exploring new concepts and getting a feel for different subjects. Enrichment classes at this stage can help early childhood teachers spot different gifts and talents in children.#4 What Kind of Student is Fit for an Enrichment Class?
If your child is quick to grasp concepts and routinely needs new challenges, he/she is a good fit for enrichment classes. Also, there are some signs that your child could use enrichment classes when he/she;- Consistently achieves high grades
- Reads ahead of the class
- Feels that what is being taught is boring and repetitive
- Loses concentration after the first few minutes
- Keeps fidgeting and is restless in class
#5 Enrichment Classes Improve Study Skills
Your child could be talented or gifted, but lack study skills that are crucial in grasping and internalizing important concepts. Enrichment classes develop self-directed learning, which helps your child learn on his/her own. Good study skills also help your child prepare better and get high scores in tests.#6 Enrichment Skills Improve Self-awareness
Some children’s gifts have gone unnoticed until it is too late. Gifted students also tend to feel unchallenged and under-stimulated by what is on offer. This happens when the student is not aware of his/her talents and gifts.Enrichment classes help your child explore different activities and areas of interest to find the right match. Your child will realize his/her true potential, and become motivated to cultivate it. The student will also become more engaged in class and renew interest in learning.
#7 Enrichment Classes Motivate your Child
If your child’s motivation is waning for lack of a challenge, enrichment classes will change that. Enrichment classes continuously present new concepts that challenge the student. This keeps your child looking forward to the next lesson and challenge. Higher motivation boosts your child’s ability to open up to new concepts and ideas.#8 Higher Interest in Learning
Loss of interest and disengagement is a big contributor to low performance in academics. This is because the student finds the lesson "boring" and "switches off.’ The student will then miss crucial concepts as they are introduced and discussed.Enrichment classes are designed to spark and maintain interest. There is higher engagement in the classroom and extracurricular activities. The student will pay closer attention to the study material, grasp concepts better, and realize improved test scores.
#9 Enrichment Classes Help Paced Learning
The traditional curriculum is based on grade learning where all students are assumed to move at the same pace. But enrichment classes are designed to fit the student according to skill level. The student will learn faster in "easy" concepts and learn slower in more difficult concepts. This self-paced learning helps the child feel a sense of "achievement" and stay motivated.#10 Enrichment Classes are Customized
Enrichment classes are not designed in a one-fits-all approach. Rather, your child will have a tailor-made program that recognizes her gifts, talents, strengths, and weaknesses.Enrichment classes are very useful in helping a learner discover his/her full potential. If you feel that your child can do more, or has certain unexplored gifts, why not enroll him/her in several classes? The results could surprise both of you.