Top 5 Pieces Of Farm Equipment For Homesteaders

Homesteading is becoming increasingly popular. It’s the practice of growing your own crops and even rearing animals. In effect, you’re creating a mini-farm at home and focusing on being self-sufficient instead of relying on a ‘regular’ job.

Of course, establishing a homestead can be expensive, you’ll need to consider farm equipment finance and selling some of your products to help make ends meet.

To achieve this successfully, you’re going to need certain tools, these are the top 5 pieces of farm equipment you should be getting:

A Tractor

The tractor needs to be sized according to the space you have and the jobs that need to be done. But, a good tractor can do a job in three hours that would take you several days by hand. That makes it a worthwhile investment for your health and for efficiency.

Tractors aren’t generally cheap. But, if you only need a small one you’ll be able to find a good deal on the used market.

Power Tools

Most homesteaders overlook the importance of having power tools until they need them. You’ll be created structures for animals to stay in or food to be stored in. That requires cutting wood, screwing items together, and a variety of other jobs. These are much simpler if you have an array of power tools at your disposal. These should include a saw, cordless driver, and drills.


You can get these to fit behind your tractor and turn the soil for you. This is probably the best approach. However, if your space is limited you may prefer to get a power rotavator and simply push it along, allowing it to do all the work for you.

Whichever you choose, this is an essential bit of kit if you want to plant anything.

Post Driver

Creating a homestead means erecting fencing to keep animals in certain areas and protect your crops. It’s time-consuming to hammer every fence post in to create the necessary boundaries. You can make your life much simpler by investing in a post driver. This does all the work for you, allowing you to slide the post into the ground and move on.

You can get huge fences created in a day with the aid of a post driver. It’s not just useful when you’re starting out, you’ll be surprised by how often you use a post driver and how grateful you’ll be that you invested in one.


You’re going to need to move things around your homestead and transport produce to the market. If you’ve invested in a tractor then a trailer that fits on the back is the most sensible idea. If this isn’t an option you may want to get a trailer for your car. This will certainly help you get your product to market and collect any bits you need.

Failing that, a wheelbarrow can help you move smaller quantities around your homestead. However, this probably isn’t a viable option for taking your product to the market.

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