Indian Air force published recruitment notification for group C civilian posts.Eligible & interested candidates apply offline after read official notification.Indian air force recruitment 2021,IAF recruitment 2021, Indian Air Force Group C Civilian Recruitment 2021 PDF Download.
Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment 2021
Organisation Name:Indian air force
Post Name:Group "C" Civilian
No.of Vacancy:1515
Category:New Job
Application Mode: Offline
Job Location: India
Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment 2021 Education Qualification
- Senior Computer Operator:Degree (Mathematics/ Statistics)
- Supdt (Store):Any Degree
- Steno Gde-II:10+2,Typing Knowledge
- LDC:10+2,Typing Knowledge
- Hindi Typist:10+2,Typing Knowledge
- Store Keeper:12th Class
- Civilian Mechanical Transport Driver (Ordinary Grade):Matriculation, Valid Civil Driving License
- Cook (Ordinary Grade):Matriculation, Diploma (Catering)
- Painter (Skilled):10th Class, ITI
- Carpenter:10th Class, ITI
- Ayah/Ward Sahayika:Matriculation,1 Year Experience
- Housekeeping Staff (Female Safaiwali/HKS):Matriculation
- Laundryman:Matriculation,1 Year Experience
- Mess Staff:Matriculation,1 Year Experience
- MTS:Matriculation,1 Year Experience
- Vulcaniser:Matriculation,1 Year Experience
- Tailor (Skilled):10th Class, ITI
- Tinsmith:10th Class, ITI
- Copper Smith & Sheet Metal Worker (CS&SMW) (Skilled):10th Class, ITI
- Fireman:Matriculation,Training (Fire Fighting)
- Fire Engine Driver:Matriculation, 3 Year Experience
- FMT (Fitter Mechanical Transport) (Skilled):10th Class, ITI
- Tradesman Mate:Matriculation
- Leather worker (skilled):10th Class, ITI
- Turner (Skilled):10th Class, ITI
- Wireless Operator Mechanic HSW Gd-II (WOM HSW) :10th Class, ITI
Age Limit
- Minimum:18 Years
- Maximum:24 Years
How To Apply
Eligible candidates can apply to any of the above Air Force Station of their choice subject to the vacancies and qualifications.Application as per format given under (typed in English/Hindi), duly supported with the following documents is to reach the concerned Air Force Station as per choice within 30 days from the last date of the publication of this advertisement in 'Employment News/Rozgar Samachar.
Selection Process
- All application will be scrutinised in terms of age limits, minimum qualification, documents and certificates.Thereafter, eligible candidates will be issued call All application will be scrutinised in terms of age limits,minimum qualification,letters for written test.
- The eligible candidates will be required to appear for written test. The written test will be based on minimum education qualification
- The written test will consist of (1) General Intelligence and Reasoning (i) Numerical Aptitude (ii) General English (iv) General Awareness.
- The question cum answer paper will be English and Hindi. ) The requisite number of candidates will be shortlisted and called for skill physical/practical test wherever applicable based on merit/category in the written test.
- Shortlisted candidates are to bring original certificates, copies of annexure attached with application.
Indian Air Force Group C Salary
- Please read official notification for all details
Important Dates
- The last date for receipt of the application form is 30 day from the date of publication of this advertisement.
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