A fire broke out in a textile godown on Pirana-Piplaj Road in the city in the afternoon, following which 24 fire brigade vehicles were dispatched to the spot. A wall collapsed in a fire in a textile godown, trapping about 12 people.
Six of the 12 have died and two are in critical condition, while rescue teams are conducting rescue operations. Attempts are currently being made by 24 teams of fire brigade to contain the fire.In the year 2017-2018, there were 7330 fire incidents in the state, with the highest number of fire incidents being reported in Ahmedabad city, which caused crores of rupees to property. Thus, there are 21 fire incidents every day in the state. In terms of percentage, more than 31 per cent of fire incidents in Gujarat were reported to the Ahmedabad Fire Department. According to the fire calls received in 2018-19, 2123 fire calls were received.
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35 people have been killed in fire incidents in Ahmedabad in the last three years
The fire in the city during the year 2017-18 caused a loss of Rs 69.20 crore to the public and 35 people were burnt alive.
The highest number of fire incidents in Ahmedabad
However, the fire brigade rescued 96 people and recovered property worth Rs 83.77 crore. The performance of the best fire team of the state has been seen in the Ahmedabad Fire Department. The Ahmedabad Fire Brigade has state-of-the-art firefighting equipment to rescue people.
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