Save smartphone battery by battery saver application

Save maximize the battery saving on Android 6 and 6+ All latest version , even without root! (details explained in settings)

Never should your phone or tablet become slower and battery hungrier after you have many application installed. With Greenify, your device can run almost as smoothly and very festally as it did the first day you had it!

Save smartphone battery by battery saver application

Greenify assist you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation once you aren't actively using them, to prevent them from lagging your device or leeching the battery, in a unique way! 

They can do nothing without explicit launch by you or other your application , while still preserving full functionality when running in background.

Save smartphone battery by battery saver application

Greenify NEVER EVER collects your personal data despite the capability of accessibility service, it just takes advantage of it to automate the hibernation procedure.

Very IMPORTANT: Greenifying an app implies that you are aware that all the background functionality (service, periodic task, event receiver, alarm, widget update, push message,all other application notification like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram,Sharchat,Other many Application Notification ) of this app will become out of service during the hibernation except when you are using this app. 

Save smartphone battery by battery saver application Gujarati information

Charging/Discharging info

- Section dedicated for battery status including charging/discharging percentage and estimated time for full charging and discharging.

Display information about battery: voltage, temperature, capacity, and battery health status, battery charger history...

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