Speaking Your Name Will Open Immediately & Lock Your Mobile 2020
Talk to your phone & Say Hello,Hey,Hi,Nikki,James,Riya & many more to unlock ! Using a traditional Lockscreen to Lock & Unlock your phone have been outdated now. Use a new approach to Lock/Unlock your smartphone using your Voice and secure your mobile from others approach
● WHAT`S INSIDE THIS VOICE LOCK SCREEN● Enable Voice Lock Screen with a single tap.● Enhance Security using Home Key options given in setting● 5 Different HD Backgrounds are available to change the theme.● Set your own any type of voice password.● You can also set numeric password if voice password doesn’t work.● User Friendly and best Voice Unlocker● Show date and time on screen.● Change color of time and date.● Change font Style to make more attractive your Voice Lock
This Smart Voice Lock Screen works on with your voice commands which makes your phone unique from others also we have provided a Keypad Lock ◆ In case if you do not want to let the others know about your " Voice Password " or you are unable to unlock your phone using your voice commands or Voicepassword to Unlock then do not bother yourself that your phone will be locked permanently. You guys can use alternate Pin Code option to unlock your smartphone.
1. Internet Connection is needed for smooth working of this Voice Lock Screen
2. Offline Voice recognition is supported only on devices with (Jelly Bean and above Operating Systems). To work properly on older versions, Internet Connection is needed
Hello friends, welcome to our friends in this new article. You can also set the name and whenever you say that name, your mobile will be unlocked, which means that the lock screen of your mobile will open immediately, then this application is not amazing, you need to know the full details of this application.So you continued reading the articles..