Viral Rajkot News: Rajkot woman who decided to commit suicide with her son is now serving as the mother of 200 mentally handicapped children

Pooja Patel is also saving other children like her own.

  • Started service from Jaipur in Rajasthan to a special institution for children of mothers like her in Gujarat
  • Trains children with Dow syndrome, cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities and autism

Yashoda is a mother of 200 crippled children from Rajkot. Pooja Patel, who lives in Rajkot, was married in 2004 to Sureshbhai, who lives in Jaipur. In 2010 she gave birth to a son there. There was an atmosphere of happiness in the family. But after six months, the son did not respond and cried. So the son who was taken to the doctor was found to have autism. After breaking all the dreams of worship, he decided to commit suicide with his son. But later a phone call from a doctor changed her life and she came to Rajkot with her husband. In Rajkot, Prayas joined the Parents Association. Today, Pooja Patel has become 'Yashoda' by fulfilling the responsibility of 200 crippled children in this institution.

Serving 200 Special Children as Their Mother

4 to 5 children join this organization when I was coming into the organization. At present about 200 mentally handicapped children are taking advantage of this institution. Pooja Patel, who once decided to commit suicide with her son Vasu, is now serving 200 children, including Vasu. Pooja is running several different projects for paralyzed children and their parents. 200 Divyang children are being taught various activities in Puja Free.

Various activities are taught

The effort is run by the parents of the parents of the disabled parents. "Many parents like me work here," Pooja said. After BEd I have done a course of Art Based Therapy. Recently I have completed M.A.D. and am doing Ph.D. In the institute I train these children with the help of arts like music-painting etc. Here we train children with Dow syndrome, cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities and autism. Our first objective is to teach children to do their own daily work. In addition we teach them reading, writing, dancing and cooking.

Pooja became the mother of 200 crippled children.

Pooja, who lives with her husband in Rajasthan, had various dreams during her pregnancy. But Pooja's mentally crippled son Vasu could not speak, walk or understand even when he was one and a half years old. The head of CBC in Jaipur, Dr. S.J. Vasura was undergoing treatment at Sitharaman. Once when a team of foreign doctors came to Jaipur, Dr. Sitaram informed Pooja about this matter and instructed Vasu to show this team of expert doctors. After examining Vasu, the foreign doctors explained to Pooja that this child will be like this for the rest of his life. Then the worship was completely broken.

Decided to commit suicide with his son

came home from the hospital and took Pooja Vasu to the room. Locked the room from the inside. He decided to commit suicide, thinking that it would be better to die than to see his son live helplessly. Hang 2 pinches instead of one with a fan. One for himself and the other for his son Vasu. With the intention of ending his son's life with him, the mobile rang before he could put a piece of cloth around his neck. If I looked in front of the mobile, it was Dr. Sitharaman's phone. He picked up the phone, thinking he would have one last talk with the doctor before he died.

Determination to raise a son to avoid suicide

The doctor understood from the loud voice and crying of Pooja. Poojaben also spoke to the doctor of his intentions. The doctor said, 'Son, I don't mind if you want to die, but meet me once. I give you the oath of your son. Come to my house with your son right now to meet me. ' Reached Sitharaman's house. The doctor first took Vasu to her without giving any other advice and then told Pooja that from today this son is mine. You were going to die because of this son, and from today on I am freeing you from this boy's responsibility. Dr. Sitaram asked Pooja a question, “Has he read Shrimad Bhagwat Gita? Pooja said yes, so the doctor said very nicely, 'You have just read the Gita, I still don't understand. This son of yours has come to you as a fruit of your pre-birth. How many births will you keep escaping from your karma? This thought made Pooja dizzy.

The son was two years old and started walking

Said to Sitharaman, "Sir, now I will act as my mother. The Lord must be gracious. My son has to walk and talk. Pooja then added love as well as positivity to Vasu's upbringing. Vasu was 2 years old and also started walking. Admitted this boy to a normal students school. But the school refused to give him admission. Vasu was admitted to a special school in Jaipur. When Pooja visited this school, she realized that not only one but many mothers have children like Vasu and many have more problems than Vasu. Seeing the activities of this organization, Pooja resolved that I also want to do something for the mentally handicapped children of Gujarat. Then Pooja came to Rajkot with her husband Sureshbhai. In 2012, Prayas, an organization for children with mental disabilities, joined the Parents Association.

I haven't been to anyone's wedding in five years - Pooja

Pooja further said that the corporation has also built a big building for our organization. Two floors of which are to be given to our organization. No fee is charged from a single child. Now even the Election Commission takes paralyzed children as icons. My son Vasu is currently 16 years old. I haven’t been to a single wedding in five years for the kids. My main objective now is to look after disabled children. I want to create a paradise for children now. Also, 10 disabled children have been given jobs in the organization. During the Coronation period, I used my money to go to the homes of paralyzed children and give them ration kits, medicine, gas cylinders. I also motivate parents of disabled children with weak ideas.

Watch Viral Video of Pooja Patel Here

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