NestJS was developed by Kamil Myśliwiec and other contributors as an open-source platform having a modular framework for creating scalable, reliable, testable, flexible, and efficient backend applications which is why individuals and companies want to hire NestJs developer for their projects. Nest.Js support databases like MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
The framework provides a mix of components and elements of object-oriented programming (OOP), functional reactive programming (FRP), and functional programming (FP). Nest.Js uses HTTP Server frameworks with Express as the default but it can also be configured to use Fastify as well.
Presently, the fastest-growing Typescript framework in Node.js is Nest.js and it is influenced by React, Vue, and Angular, that’s why many companies are looking to hire experienced NestJs programmers or a team of programmers.
When do I need to hire experienced NestJs programmers?
Whether to develop an application from scratch or an existing project, hiring experienced Nest.Js programmers is important if you want the development of your app to include;Scalability
Nest.Js is a highly scalable framework. Scalability is the ability of a tool or system to maintain its reaction time, efficiency targets and increase its capabilities as the demand for software functionalities grows. It can adapt to overhauls, upgrades, changes while remaining stable without diminished performance.As earlier discussed, Nest.Js combines elements of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), FRP (Functional Reactive Programming), and FP (Functional Programming. The scalability can be Vertical scaling (the size of your server determines how big you can get) or Horizontal scaling (which gives you the capability to scale wider to accommodate traffic).
To scale up (vertical) more power is added to your existing machines with hardware and tools while to scale out (horizontal) more machines are added to share processing and memory workload.
Automated Testing
Testing is a process of evaluating the performance of a software application to discover if the software meets the specific requirements it was produced to meet and to find out if there are any bugs in the software and for improving the software generally. Most times to do this developers have to execute a testing system.By building using the Nest.js development framework, this testing system is simplified as it comes with a default testing environment and tools. Test suites or individual tests are replicated easily and with speed. With this, you will be assured that the product will meet the requirements of quality, efficiency, and performance.
Same Frontend and Backend Language
JavaScript is the most commonly used language which is what Nest.js uses and having it used for your whole application, frontend and back end makes it more flexible. Using the same language for your user side and server-side means tasks relating to both sides can be easily carried out. This reduces the tools and time needed to develop your application since programmers can reuse codes, communicate easily on different parts of the system at both ends.In-Built Exception Filters
Nest.js framework comes with an in-built exceptions layer that handles exceptions that the application code does not catch across an application and then returns an appropriate user-friendly response automatically. This is executed by a global exception filter that handles HttpException and its subclasses. A string is taken as a first argument and a status code like a second argument which when thrown into the controller the layer catches it and returns a response according to the specified status code.Optimize Search Engines for increased traffic
Hiring an experience Nest.js developer can make your website rank higher in search engine optimization making it more visible and generating organic traffic. Using the Nest.js framework will make your website crawlable by offering crawlable content for search engines and you can choose either to prerender your website or do a server-side rendering.Adding metadata to your website helps search engine crawlers understand the content of your pages and Next.js adds most metadata automatically including the content and viewport type of metadata. It also helps to have a sitemap so that search engines can index your website properly and although it is not easy to create a sitemap when you hire experienced NestJs programmer, Nest.Js can be used to automate the process to an extent.